The Best Devices For Playing Bingo On
12 Mar 2025

The Best Devices For Playing Bingo On

With Its simplicity and ability to bring people together, bingo gaming has been popular for many, many decades. Its popularity only continues to grow with the fast spread of online options. But make no mistake, real world bingo games remain in high demand too. If you are new to bingo, here are the devices required to make a great gaming evening.

Best devices for real world bingo

When playing bingo with physical tools, there are four kinds of devices required as below.

  • Number generators

As is obvious, bingo can?t be played without generating random numbers. This means that a device is needed for generating them. A fun option to add color to the game is a bingo ball machine. It consists of a set of numbered balls inside a case with a handle. Once the handle is turned, the balls shuffle around and are chosen, revealing the random number. If you are planning to organise bingo on the regular, it might be a good idea to buy your own bingo ball machine. But for an occasional event with friends or family, it can even be hired.

Alternatively, an electronic number generator can be used. Simply put, the device has a screen which displays a random number on being prompted. The device has the advantage that all players can see the generated numbers. Also, it's simple to set up. In this case too, the device can either be bought or hired.

Finally, the easiest option is to use an online number generator. A simple web search can throw up a plethora of options for sites that can generate random numbers for free. The only requirements for this are either a smartphone or laptop and an internet connection.

  • Bingo daubers

Bingo cards distributed to each of the players need to be ticked off, of course. While any odd marker would do for this, to make the game more fun a bingo dauber can be used too. Bingo daubers are stamp markers traditionally used as coloring or drawing tools. They are unlikely to be readily available at local stores, but they can be easily bought off online marketplaces.

  • Bingo cards and tickets

The daubers need to be used on bingo cards, which are typically used just once. These can be either made by hand or on a simple document and printed out. The only important aspect to consider here is that there should be a sufficient number of cards in relation to the tickets sold.

Tickets to sell can be found in any stationary stores or online in the form of ticket books. These can give the option of hundreds of tickets in a single book for very affordable prices. Alternatively, tickets can also be generated online.

Best devices to play bingo online

With bingo sites and apps becoming popular too, there's quite a different set of devices required to truly enjoy your online gaming. Here are some of them:

  • Headphones: To keep the noise down, a pair of headphones would be ideal. But to get a truly immersive experience of online bingo, noise cancelling headphones would be the best.

  • Seating: This one depends essentially on how much time you expect to spend on gaming. But if you do like to game for long stretches often enough, investing in a gaming chair would be a good idea. With their focus on ergonomics, they can make sure your posture is correct and you don?t tire yourself out fast.

  • Mouse: For bingo gamers playing on their laptops, a gaming mouse might be a good addition too. With a grip allowing for various sized hands, it can add to the comfort of bingo gaming, especially over long hours.

  • Internet connection: This one goes without saying, since it's impossible to game online without an internet connection. But having a robust one is ideal when playing at home to avoid missing out on important live updates during the game. Similarly, when playing on a mobile device, it's important to have good data availability where the public internet isn?t the best.

  • Enhance the bingo experience

    Whether playing in person or online, the bingo gaming experience can be significantly improved with the right devices. For in person events, the right choice of the random number generator can greatly add to the fun of the game for everyone. And adding daubers can be a nice touch to the overall experience.

    For online bingo gaming, the devices are geared towards the comfort of the player. A gaming chair or mouse, for instance, are good ways to ensure there's limited stress on the body. But even technology like noise cancelling headphones or a robust internet connection can go a long way in ensuring an engaging experience for players. Hours of healthy gaming can be ensured with the right devices at hand.